Monday, November 30, 2009
Thanksgiving friends 2 of 2
Thanksgiving: The Friends 1 of 2
Thanksgiving '09 Trani, Italy FOOD
Fresh cranberries for the sauce from the base in Naples. Haven't seen them in the stores around here yet so a friend brought them to us.
Eileen's homage to celebrity chef, Jamie Oliver. He loves to put clementines in all his holiday cooking.
One of too many batches of potatoes. I miscalculated and had them cook four bags of potatoes to mash. Will figure on less potatoes per person next time.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Searching for Latte Macchiato
And finally, Bar Centrale!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Italian Tree Trimmers at Work
Thursday, November 19, 2009
A Carving Lesson
Traffic and Parking in Trani
As I was sitting at the computer this morning I heard a car horn outside our window. It was persistent so I got up to take a look. It turned out that a car had parked, in typical fashion, only partly in the spot thus blocking a delivery truck that was trying to go down the street. This happens all the time here. You can see that the strategy is that the blocked vehicle blasts it's horn until the driver of the offending vehicle shows up and moves the car. Today the driver of the silver car on the right side of the street arrived and moved so the truck could make a wide right swing to pass. The owner of the green car never showed up but, just in case the parking police showed up they had their blinkers going and were only "temporarily" parked in the handicap zone...RIGHT!