Friday, July 23, 2010

Most of you know we have a very shy, nocturnal, committed to Olivia cat named Sport. A few of you have glimpsed her black form dashing for cover. But even I have rarely seen her being playful! Since Olivia has been off on this European tour Sport has come out more and I caught her being a normal cat the other morning. I was so shocked I had to get it on film for posterity! And now, I present, our "other" cat, Ms. Sport...


  1. I guess this is proof that this cat actually exists! She's cute!

  2. She exists, she has a tail and she knows how to go after it!!! She is a cutie, Sara, thanks.

  3. Sport actually sat with me a couple of times..its to bad she is so scared! I am glad you got a video of her actually at ease! Love it!

  4. wow, no wonder you guys liked Tonks, they could be doppelgaengers! Finally we get to see Sport. Thanks for the treat.
