Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Pompeii 3 of 3

Rick and Olivia with a great Italian Tree Trimmer Tree.
Birth of Venus! And this was under ash!!! It is in the House of Venus which, incredibly, was damaged not so much by ash but by bombs during WWII!

Eileen and I enjoying a break in an indoor garden.

Here is Luigi's Pizzaria! Or so we named these numerous fast food shops that were scattered all over the ruins of Pompeii (apparently there were 89 of them!) It is said to have served hot food and drinks during it's time. You can see the bowls that are inset into the counters.

This is the modern day "Luigi's". Yes, as you are wondering among the ruins you turn a corner and run into an ultra modern Auto Grill just like on the highways! Too funny! We had to have some muffins to sustain us, of course.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the details from the tour. We just came back from Pompeii, but declined any guided or audio tour, so we returned still ignorant about Pompeii.

    Wishing you a fantastic New Year!

