Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Ballet Recital

Last week we were helping a friend, Gail, with the backstage organization of a ballet recital. Gail is an incredible person. She teaches ballet and pilates. These young dancers were very organized and well behaved as they waited back in the staging area for their entrance. The temperatures were in the 80's, the show was supposed to start at 8:00 but, in typical Italian fashion, started at 9:00. We left after the hour long ballet performance but the hip hop didn't end until midnight. Here are the dancers with Eileen (in stripes) and Kristin (in purple) keeping an eye on them.

Don't I just look like a backstage hand? Cell phone to the ear, packing tape for adjustments on the arm.

There were three age groups dancing. The teens, the lower school kids and the little ones. They actually had some super fast costume changes that we tried to help with.


  1. The little ballerinas look so pretty!

  2. That's so sweet! How adorable!

    Looks like you're having a fantastic summer!

