Friday, January 22, 2010

50th Birthday

Wow! Turning 50 was a BLAST! My friends and family here in Italy conspired to throw a semi surprise party for me...I knew they were having one, I knew who was coming, I knew where it was, but that was all. What a great moment when I walked into the room, saw it decorated, a fire going in the fireplace and a real live band warming up at the far end of the room!!!! Yeahhh! Dancing!!!
(Yikes! For some reason this picture has disappeared! It was great though. Flowers almost as tall as me!)

Rick went to the florist across the street for some flowers. He just told her he wanted some for my birthday. When he went to pick them up he was shocked to discover she had put together the above ... I don't know what you would call it! It is too big to be called a bouquet...It was amazing.

We shared a rose with Gilda, the organizer of the event, and a dear friend.

Mario got stuck holding the flowers later in the evening. They took on a life of their own!

Eileen trying to feel her feet again after dancing all night.

Olivia and Jim doing some setting up.

The band warming up.

The cake!

My favorite dancing partner!

Our friend, Francesco, just "happened" to have his harmonica with him so he could join in with the band!

A group of tired ladies soaking up the last warmth of the fire. Thank you all! I am still smiling when I remember the evening.

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