Monday, March 22, 2010


Some of you will remember that last Tuesday I came home from the market with a dry piece of salted cod. It has been soaking in water that was changed daily. We decided to make fish tacos this afternoon. We added some veggies and boy were they delicious. The fish was great and the veggies just added a delicious touch.

For me there is no food that is more comforting than oatmeal with brown sugar and raisins. Yumm. Well, two others agreed with me this morning so I fixed up a batch for all of us. FYI oatmeal is hard to find here. I have to go to the health food store to get it and people look at me funny when I buy two bags at a time....Once a lady asked me, "what do you do with all that oatmeal?". It wasn't the kind of question that could not be answered by saying I eat it. She wouldn't have thought of that... I just let it go. Peanut butter is the same. No one really understands why we like it.


  1. The fish dinner looks yummy!! ....The oatmeal..well I am glad you like it so much!

  2. I love oatmeal too - same way - I am thinking fondly of the oatmeal and additives at Camp Huston
